Reply: Something (maybe nyquil?) splashed into my eye

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Topic History of: Something (maybe nyquil?) splashed into my eye

Max. showing the last 6 posts - (Last post first)

  • maminimu

Thank you for sharing .  

  • ZveroTarik

I don't think you should worry so much about it.

  • Chriswatson_12

You don't need to panic about it. Just make sure you wash the eyes often with water or use an eye drop, It will definitely vanish

Use an eye drop to make your eyes feel better

  • KimmieWatson
  • KimmieWatson's Avatar

I think you are over-reacting. It's a normal thing if it's not hurting your eyes. But if you have a problem in your eyes or if your eyes are hurting then you should use eye-drops, so that your eyes should stay safe.

  • rishabhb398


Try rubbing your other eye! It will help to clear your infected eye :)

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