- Health & Beauty
- STD / STI Testing
STD / STI Testing

If you have had one or more sexual partners their is a chance you may have a sexual transmitted desease or infection (STD or STI for short).The Centers for Disease Control estimates that around 19 million people a year become infected with an STD in the USA. This means, every year 6% of the population of the United States contracts an STD.
Even if you are not showing symptoms you may have an STD. If you are worried you have been exposed to a STD virus, then you may want to use one of the online STD testing services found below, especially if you want to keep the fact that you are taking a test private. Online STD testing services are usually cheaper as well with most orders being between $200 and $250 for a full test panel. In comparision, an average primary care visit can cost $150. Then when the doctor orders lab tests you can add another $300 to $400 on to the cost.
To find out more about sexual transmitted dieases you can take a look at the articles below.