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DNA Genetic Testing

Type of Testing
Type of DNA testing done by the service. This can include Ancestry, Health, and Parental.
Number of Records
Number of customer DNA records in the companies database.
Over 10 Million
Speed of Results
Test results are expected in a minimum of this many weeks.
6 weeks
DNA Data
What a customer can do with their DNA data after receiving their report.
  • Delete your DNA Data
  • Download of Raw DNA Data

AncestryDNA is one of the largest online DNA testing services and now has over 10 million customers in its DNA database. This DNA testing service finds out information about your ethnicity and where you came from (these results are called Ethnicity Estimate and includes 26 ethnic regions) and distant relatives of others who took the same test. AncestryDNA was launched by in the United States in May of 2012 and a few years later became available in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and other countries. AncestryDNA does not require a subscription and is ordered separately, but results can be shared across accounts allowing you to find other relatives if you so desire and expand your family tree (for those interesting in Genealogy).

To test your DNA all AncestryDNA requires is a saliva test. They will mail you a kit which you then return, and in as little as 6 weeks you can go online and get your results. To generate the result reports, AncestryDNA uses microarray-based autosomal DNA testing to infer your ancestry traits and find distant relatives in their database that share your DNA. Your entire genome will be surveyed and more than 700,000 genetic markers of your DNA will be analyzed by AncestryDNA.

How It Works

First you need to visit the website and place your order. You will create an account at the same time which is used later to view your results. Once the order has been processed a AncestryDNA kit will be mailed to you which should arrive within 6 days (depends on shipping option selected.

Once you have received your AncestryDNA kit it only takes a few minutes for you to collect the required saliva. You must make sure not to eat, drink, chew gum, or smoke 30 minutes before giving your sample. When you open the kit you will find a set of easy to read instructions (with images), a tube with a funnel and a cap (that contains a blue liquid stabilizer), a collection bag to place the tube in once the sample has been taken, and a prepaid mailing box to return the sample.

When ready you first should log into AncestryDNA account and activate your DNA kit with the Activation Code found on your tube (4 sets of letters and numbers). You then can go ahead and fill the tube with less than a 1/4 teaspoon of your saliva using the funnel. Once you have enough saliva you can take off the funnel and replace it with the cap which you turn to tighten. Once tight the stabilizer fluid will be released into your sample. You then shake the tube for 5 seconds to mix. The stabilizer solution keeps your saliva safe while being mailed. When finished put the tube into the collection bag and seal it, and then the bag into the mailing box. That's it, all you need to do now is drop the box in any mail box or at the post office.

Once mailed your AncestryDNA test results usually take about 6 to 8 weeks to process from the time that the lab receives your DNA sample. Please remember to activate your DNA kit online or the processing of DNA will not begin.

When your results are ready, you will receive an email from AncestryDNA notifying you. The email will contain a link to view your results or you can log directly into your AncestryDNA account to view them as well.


When you create an account on AncestryDNA you do have to agree to their terms and conditions. It is a lengthy document but it does say in it that any data derived from your DNA is yours and at anytime you can log into the website and delete your data.

AncestryDNA protects your data using a variety of physical, technical, and administrative procedures. Access is restricted at their data center and data is encrypted when stored and while in transit. When the lab handles your DNA it is only referenced by the bar code. Plus, if you choose to opt-in for your data to be used in studies like the AncestryDNA Research Project, your data is pooled together with others and identification information like names and birth dates are removed.

As the DNA sample owner, you control who (other AncestryDNA customers) can see your final results. Using the Account Manager on the AncestryDNA website you can share results with other users (either as viewers or collaborators) by clicking the share button and enter their email address so they will receive a invitation.

Services & Costs

AncestryDNA offers one test for $99 USD (may be a different price in other countries). Shipping costs extra with the standard costing $9.99. There are 5 sections to the results report.

AncestryDNA Traits costs $9.99 and requires the purchase of the DNA testing kit. You can either purchase Traits after you get your DNA results, or at the time you purchase the kit.

All prices in USD unless specified other wise. Prices may or may not include shipping, handling, and taxes. If available in other countries prices may be different. Costs were last checked on February 20, 2019.

Ethnicity Estimate

This shows a break down by percentage of your ethnicity by 37 different regions. This is also displayed on a graphical map which makes the information easier to read and understand. On the map you can click on the different regions and read more about what countries are represented (for example Europe West). On the left side of the report is a chart that shows your ethnicity regions from greatest to least along with additional information like the percentage of accuracy of the result (which can be higher than 50% in some cases).

Genetic Communities

Genetic Communities are groups of AncestryDNA members who are connected through DNA most likely because they descend from a population of shared ancestors, even if they no longer live in the area where those ancestors once lived.

Based on your DNA this report will show what Genetic Communities you may belong too and rate how likely your ancestors were a part of these communities. You can belong to more than 1 community. On the report you will be able to find more information about the community and how large the population was from different time periods along with their common migration routes.

DNA Matches

On this part of the report you find out who you share a genetic connection with from other members of AncestryDNA (as of 2017 over 5 million). Most matches will be distant (4th to 6th cousin) but some members have found much closer relatives. Of your matches the report displays when they last logged into their account, their ethnic mix, and it also allows you to send them a contact message. If you are a Ancestry subscriber (Genealogy service) (and the match is as well) you may also view your relatives public family tree.

AncestryDNA Traits

AncestryDNA Traits allows you to find out about your genetic inheritance. It is an extra cost (over the original DNA testing which is required) but it allows you to find out about 18 different traits you may share with people of similar heritage, country and family members. For example if one of your cousins has had a DNA test done at Ancestry you will be able to compare your traits to see how much you both are a like. Traits you can find out about include:

  • Male Hair Loss, Hair Type, Hair Color, Hair Strand Thickness, Unibrow
  • Eye Color, Iris Patterns, Freckles, Cleft Chin, Finger Length, Skin Pigmentation, Earlobe Shape, Earwax Type
  • Sweet Sensitivity, Savory Sensitivity, Bitter Sensitivity, Cilantro Aversion, Asparagus Metabolite Detection

Family Tree

Using Ancestry online tool you can build a family tree. As you add relatives to the tree the tool will indicate if any public records are found for your ancestors. By subscribing to you would get access to these records (and the ability to search) which will add more information, pictures and other relatives to your growing tree.

DNA Circles

DNA Circles allows you to identify living relatives according to the direct-line ancestors that you share with other AncestryDNA members. By using your family tree information and those from members that are related to you, you can find long lost relatives. A DNA Circle will form around an ancestor in your family tree if your tree is public and linked to your DNA test, and if two or more of your DNA matches other members. DNA circles are only possible for subscribers who have done the DNA test and have a public family tree.

Customer Service

AncestryDNA supports their customer in a number of different ways. First they have an in-depth Support Center where you can find a large number of common support topics and quick tips from everything to billing questions to, questions about your DNA results. If you don't find your answer online then you can contact them directly via email or a toll free phone number. Ancestry also has an online forum (Message Boards) setup which is really popular with members. This is also a good place to ask any questions you have as most likely one of the members reading knows the answer.

Other Information

  • Largest consumer DNA database
  • DNA test results can be used to help build your family tree on (genealogy service)

Disclaimer: While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our information at Review Chatter we shall not be held responsible for any discrepancy. There is a possibility that the information provided here is outdated or wrong, please check with the companies website directly for the most recent information. As always you should read your terms of service before purchasing any product online or signing up to any online service.


AncestryDNA Ethnicity Regions
AncestryDNA Ethnicity Estimate
AncestryDNA Genetic Communities
AncestryDNA DNA Matches
AncestryDNA DNA Circles

User reviews

11 reviews
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Pros & Cons
About Me
Crappy Process and Support
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Speed of Results
Customer Service
Bought this kit, had it sent and ATTEMPTED to activate the kit as directed, received the same error at the end of the process, on every device I have. I then spent AN HOUR on a chat with a support person who had no idea how to solve the problem. In the end, the answer was, go find someone with a WINDOWS machine that will let you activate your kit there. Chrome and Safari and iOS don't always (ever in my case) work in activating the kit. I know it is an obscure hardware set up I am using, macbooks (2) and iPhone, so I guess I can't expect them to support Apple products, even the very latest version of every operating system and Google Chrome, which I guess is also an obscure browser that they have not tested. Avoid this crappy product. 
Can't even get to any pros
You CANNOT activate your kit on iOS
Bottom Line
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.

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My Ancestry Results
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Speed of Results
Customer Service
As I am 5th generation in Australia to carry the Prussian surname, I discovered that only a small percentage of me was East European. I was ecstatic to find that I am over 50% British (mainly because I could easily research UK and because of this I found that I have 2 Convicts in the family tree plus a free person arriving on the 2nd fleet when Sydney Australia was 1 Year old. (definitely an Aussie! :))

Just recently, i received an email from Ancestry with an update of my DNA and now know that the Eastern European side has been broken down again with someone coming from Lithuania.  I have now confirmed this with my research of an ancestor's christening record.   

Also, I completed the surveys that were emailed to me which as I understand, were looking for the next step; genetic makeup in regards to personality traits and physical attributes EG: short fat toes... etc.  After sighting photos of a family member from 1840's I've learnt that I have his eyelids and he looks remarkably like my brother and my son.

My biggest take knowing this information is, I now know my roots and where I am from.

 I am absolutely loving the journey of discovery so happy to help with any further research.
Learnt so much about my Hereditary
What happens with my info
Bottom Line
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend.

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Overall rating
Speed of Results
Customer Service
I'm an American living in England, and my sister in the states gave a gift of a DNA kit to my mother.
I hear the kits are around £130 in the UK, and $200 in the USA.

It was a complete waste of money - the results came in my mother's email, and the information was so general it could be applied to anyone.

We were all disappointed, and would never attempt that (scam) again.
No pros
Do I have enough time?
Bottom Line
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.

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Ancestry DNA test is a misleading flop
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Speed of Results
Customer Service
The commercials are very misleading and make you think that there are specifics and some nice things to download. None of this is true. Our family new that there was aboriginal from our Swedish side from family photos of very dark skinned Grandparents. We also have darker skin ourselves. All ancestry dna gave was a general region called Norway/West Russian and after a second inquiry asking what our aboriginal tribe was that could be Laplander and why wasn't it in the results?, they replied saying that the region Norway/West Russia could mean that we have Laplander or something else from that region.

It was completely vague, and I would not recommend that anyone purchase an ancestry dna kit.

It only gives very general regions, and you don't even get anything nice to print up for all your money
Bottom Line
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.

About Me

Kelowna, BC
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Vague results from ancestrydna
Overall rating
Speed of Results
I did not really find ancestrydan was worth the money. I guess some could if you have no idea what your background is. I found the reports very vague. I already knew I had some Russian and was about half Irish.

 My results where:

48% Ireland/Scottland/Wales
24% Europ West
21% Europe East

and then a few low confidence results.

See it is not very informative at all and noy my genetic DNA is in the Ancestry database. I didn't think they would keep my genetic information after the testing. Not worth it.

Bottom Line
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend.
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