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3.9 (3)
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30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
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Subscription Type
  • Purchases Only - No Subscription
Price Per Month
$0.00 (min cost)
No Subscription. Cost of food $90 plus per week.
Shortest Plan Available
No subscription plans
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Healthy Living & Weight Loss

Digital Tools
  • Body Mass Index Calculator
  • Meal Tracker
  • Weight Tracker
  • Activity Tracker
Exercise Programs
  • Weight Loss

Diet & Nutrition

  • Multiple Meal Plans
  • Customizable Meal Plans
  • Vegetarian Meal Plans
  • Gluten Free Meal Plans
Food Included

Fitness & Workouts

  • Exercise Plans
  • Detailed Instructions

Customer Resources

Help & Support
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Medifast first open its doors in 1980 and since then has become one of the premier choices of meal replacements for people who wish to lose weight. Over 20,000 doctors have recommended their service. Medifast meals and plans follow clinically proven nutrition guidelines and have been designed by physicians. Medifast plans can be used by all types of people in different stages of life and there are currently over 70 different foods and flavors choices to choose from. The Medifast meals are designed to be filling so hunger should never take control. Meals are also fortified with nutrients and vitamins so that you will lose weight quickly and safely, about 2 to 5 pounds per week.

Medifast is fast, safe and simple. You order it online and it is delivered directly to your home. There is no counting of points or calories since all the meals are pre-portioned. Medifast works by reducing your calorie intake and controlling carbohydrates so that in a few days your body shifts to a low fat-burning state that still preserves muscle.

Medifast Meals

Medifast allows you to select your own meals and have them delivered directly to your home. There are 3 main types of products you can order. There are meals, snacks and flavor infusers. Typical meals and snacks come in boxes with 7 servings. Find out more about the available Medifast meals by reading the next topic about the 5 & 1 plan.

The Medifast 5 & 1 Plan

What is the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan? It is a plan that has you enjoying 6 meals a day. Five Medifast meals and one Lean & Green meal. The five Medifast meals includes over 70 choices that includes a range of items from eggs and oatmeal to stews and soups. Snacks like pretzel sticks and cheese puffs are available along with brownies and puddings. Your one Lean & Green meal a day is a serving of protein along with 3 servings of vegetables.

With the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan you can choose a number of different plan packages. This includes packages for Men and Women. A number of Specialty plans are also offered since Medifast realizes one plan type cannot accommodate every person. You can get packages for Vegetarians, Teens, Seniors and Nursing Mothers. Meal plan packages are also available for different medical conditions. This includes Diabetes, Gout, Bariatics, Anticoagulants and Celian Disease (Gluten Free).


Once your weight loss goals have been reached it is now time to enter the transition phase of the Medifast weight loss program. The transition period timeline depends on the amount of weight you lost but for most people it will be about 8 weeks. The transition period involves you slowly increasing your calorie intake week by week, by including a larger variety of foods with your Medifast meals. Calorie intake during this period will grow from about 800 calories per day to around 1,550 a day after 4 weeks (depends on your gender, height, etc.).


Keep your weight off by following the Medifast 3 & 3 plan. With this plan there are three daily meals and three daily mini-meals (called fuelings). The Medifast maintenance plan requires you to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) which is your total daily calorie needs. From there you will be guided on how to best choose foods and proportions to enjoy a healthy and happy lifestyle. All this information is available for free on their website in an easy to follow Maintenance Guide.

Support Tools and "My Medifast"

A number of guides, tools and faqs are available online for Medifast clients. This includes meal plan guides, nutrition and product information plus frequently asked questions about Medifast and their plans and packages.

"My Medifast" is a free online tool that allows you to track your progress while recording your weight loss, meals and exercise. You can also browse the library of recipes, articles and recommended exercise programs. You also get to connect with the Medifast community by discussing topics in the forums, on blogs, and through live chat.


Medifast Food

  • Medifast Meals
    • Meals are divided into 11 categories (Bars, Drinks, Eggs, Pancakes, Shakes, Soups, etc.)
    • Most meal boxes contain seven servings
    • Costs in US dollars:
      • $16.50 per box
  • Medifast Snacks
    • Most snack boxes contain seven servings
    • Costs in US dollars:
      • $4.50 per box
  • Medifast Flavor Infusers
    • Most Flavor Infusers boxes contain 21 servings
    • Costs in US dollars:
      • From $15.95 to $18.95 per box

The Medifast 5 & 1 Plan

  • You can select from pre-existing plans for different types of people and medical conditions or create your own using the online wizard
  • Plan packages contain enough food for 2 or 4 weeks. This is 70 or 140 meals
  • Plan Packages
    • Costs in US dollars:
      • Packages start at about $11 per day
      • 2 week packages start at $155
      • 4 week packages range in price from $299 to $341
    • Other Details:
      • Free Shipping with the purchase of a 4-week supply (may not be available in all areas)
      • Free week of product with the purchase of a 4-week supply (may not be available in all areas)
  • V.I.P. or V.I.P. PLUS Membership
    • When you order your meals you can opt-in for this membership
    • It is an automatic billing and delivery service
    • Your order will be shipped every 4 weeks
    • Your order can be changed at any time. Once an order is processed for delivery it cannot be changed but you can change the next order
    • Costs in US dollars:
      • Same as a regular plan
    • Other Details:
      • 2 weeks’ worth of Medifast Meals for free
      • Free shipping
      • 5% discount on all future V.I.P. Membership orders
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
    • If you are not satisfied with a meal you can exchange up to 10 boxes within 30 days with a comparable product
    • You can receive a refund on any unopened boxes within 30 days of purchase
    • See the Medifast website for full details on the guarantee

Disclaimer: While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our information at Review Chatter we shall not be held responsible for any discrepancy. There is a possibility that the information provided here is outdated or wrong, please check with the companies website directly for the most recent information. As always you should read your terms of service before purchasing any product online or signing up to any online service.

Editor review

1 review
Medifast Review
(Updated: November 05, 2015)
Overall rating
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Customer Service
Medifast is a well-known and proven weight loss system. If you are looking to lose weight and want a plan that is easy to follow and a company that provides you with all the food, then Medifast and the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan will be perfect for you.

The great thing about Medifast is that there is NO MEMBERSHIP FEES, just the cost of food. They also have a 30 day money back guarantee with food delivered right to your door which allows you to stay away from grocery stores (and temptation!)

Medifast have weight-loss plans available for all types of people (Women, Men, Vegetarian, Seniors, etc.). They also has plans that are safe for people with type 2 diabetes and there are certified gluten-free plans as well. On the plans you can expect to lose 2 to 5 lbs of weight a week

Finally, Medifast seems pricey at first since the plans include the cost of food. Dieters should take into consideration the savings from not purchasing your own food and not eating out at restaurants.
Recommended by thousands of doctors
Can be difficult at first to eat six meals a day (1 every 2-3 hours)
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User reviews

3 reviews
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Pros & Cons
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Comments Review
Overall rating
Diet Features
Customer Service
The Good News - I was on for the past 4 months and lost 24 lbs. The 1 on 1 consult and support was good.

The Bad News  - Food doesn't taste the best. The bars and shakes are okay along with the cereal but most of the rest is not. I lost weight in part because I wasn't looking forward to the food. I really did struggle to eat and I am not an eater who is picky.

I finished my Medifast program 2 months ago and the other good thing is I have maintained my weight lost and actually have lost a further 5 pounds. I eat more healthy than before and I ended up buying more Medifast bars because I got use to eating them and they are a good lunch. I also starting running again which has helped keep the weight off.

I did loose 24 lbs. Consultation and support good.
Food is marginally okay. Bad after-taste with some meals.
Length of Time Used
3 - 6 Months
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Overall rating
Diet Features
After reading a number of reviews of Medifast and taking my own experience into account I have to say that it is not the diet that fails you to loose weight it is the person.  For a person like me you need to have strict will power especially in the first 2 weeks, after that the diet becomes much easier. Especially since you have to get use to the food and how to best serve it. For example I really like the stew. To add some extra flavor to it I add some low sodium beef broth.

In the 3 months since I have been using Medifast I have lost a lot of weight. Almost 30 lbs and I feel great. I am not always tired  anymore and I have more energy now than when I wasn't dieting and eating all that fast food. Yes Medifast is a little expensive but the tread offs of improved health and how I feel now it is definitely worth it. Don't let others discourage you that have failed. If you are ready for a change like I was you will succeed.
If you stick with it you will loose weight.
Bottom Line
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend.
Length of Time Used
1 - 3 Months
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My Medifast Experience
Overall rating
Diet Features
Customer Service
I've been on Medifast for 8 months and I started with a program they offered called Fit in 4. I wanted to try the program and the food and I found this was the least expensive way to do it, plus I got a discount. The food and bars are good but I was sure was hungry in the beginning. The key is getting over the hump and in a few weeks your body will be use to your new diet regime.

I am only 10 lbs from my goal now so I am pretty excited. I am single so I am only cooking for my self. I could see where the Medifast program could be difficult if you are a Mother who is on it and has to cook "regular" food for your family as well.

If you are dedicated to loosing weight then I would recommend Medifast. If you have no will power or have to eat around other family members who will be eating normally it may be difficult for you to keep on track.

Lost 50 lbs after 8 months
Expensive but worth it if you stick to the Medifast plan.
Bottom Line
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend.
Length of Time Used
6 - 12 Months
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