Web Hosting Glossary

A glossary of definitions for Web Hosting and related terms and phrases. Other definitions may apply in different circumstances but are not included.

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Term Definition

In packet-switched networks such as the Internet, a router is a device or, in some cases, software in a computer, that determines the next network point to which a packet should be forwarded toward its destination. The router is connected to at least two networks and decides which way to send each information packet based on its current understanding of the state of the networks it is connected to.

Synonym(s): Bridge, Gateway, Hub, Switch

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Secure Shell

Allows remote login and other network services to operate securely over an unsecured network. Popular Windows SSH clients include WinSCP and PuTTY.

Abbreviation(s): SSH

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Secure Socket Layer

Is a commonly-used protocol for managing the security of a message transmission over the Internet.

Abbreviation(s): SSL

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Server Side Includes

A type of HTML comment that directs the Web server to dynamically generate data for the Web page upon request.

Abbreviation(s): SSI

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Service Plan

The rate plan you select when choosing an internet or web hosting provider.

Synonym(s): Service Package, Subscription

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Setup Fee

A one time fee web hosts charge when you initial open an account. Use to cover costs of configuring a server for your use. Web hosting services have started to waive this fee for most plans.

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Shared Server

Is when more than one account members web sites are on the same web server. All resources of the server is shared between account holders including CPU, Memeory, Bandwidth and Disk Space. The most common and cheapest approach to web hosting. Usually the best way to go for most web hosting solutions.

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Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

A protocol used to send and receive email.

Abbreviation(s): SMTP

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A cloud-based, website security solution for small businesses. It works as an early detection alarm for common online threats like malware injections, bot attacks etc. It not only protects websites from potential online threats, but also fixes vulnerabilities. The features available depend on the subscription level selected.

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A company which offers professional anti-spam email filtering for Web Hosting Providers, Resellers, ISPs and Telcos.

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Static IP Address

A fixed Internet Protocol address that is the same for a network device every time it's used.

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Structured Query Language

A language that provides an interface to relational database systems. It was developed by IBM in the 1970s for use in System R. SQL is a de facto standard, as well as an ISO and ANSI standard.

Abbreviation(s): SQL

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A measure of network traffic or storage space. 1 Terabyte = 1024 Gigabytes.

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Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

The basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network.

Abbreviation(s): TCP/IP

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A popular operating system, developed by AT&T in 1969, that was very important in the development of the Internet. UNIX allows more than one user to access a computer system at the same time. An early version of UNIX, which was used by most colleges and universities, incorporated TCP/IP and made Internet connections possible.

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