Reply: Is a free domain from Web Host a good idea?

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Topic History of: Is a free domain from Web Host a good idea?

Max. showing the last 6 posts - (Last post first)

  • ethelcurtis

agreed with you leaf cutter but wordpress gives you a free domain try it one

  • Leaf Cutter

I got a free domain from my current web host a few years ago. The domain is my business name which is very important to me and how people find us using the search engines. My brother recently told me that buying or getting a domain from your web host wasn't a good idea as they can use it as leverage to get more money out of me. Is this something I need to be concerned about?

I hope not. I haven't had to many problems with my web host. They are not to popular so I am not sure if they could pull that crap and get away with it. :angry:

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