Reply: Is Plated subscription only?

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Yes Plated and all of our other reviewed meal kit services are subscription based. I know the Plated scheduling calendar for meal kit deliveries is pretty good. You can schedule your vacation time months in the advance if need be to ensure no meal deliveries are done when you are away. You can do this both on their website at and the Plated meal kit app.

  • Jewel

My husband and I are away a lot. Does Plated or any other meal delivery company offer a per payment option? I don't want to sign up for a subscription as every other week or so I would have to skip. I rather log in and say when I want the food, NOT when I do not want the food.

I think they are only subscriptions as I could not find any information on This would be a great service only if they gave more payment options.

To bad as they probably just lost a customer.

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