Reply: Does AncestryDNA work? Can I find family members?

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Topic History of: Does AncestryDNA work? Can I find family members?

Max. showing the last 6 posts - (Last post first)

  • Joesph G - 1975

I've done Ancestry DNA over a year ago. It shows your ethnic mix based on 26 different regions worldwide. It is interesting to see what your background is. It's actually like the commercial, surprising! You wouldn't suspect it as I am a red head but I actually have Asian ancestors.

It will also identify possible relatives through DNA matching to other people who have taken the AncestryDNA test. When I did the kit I didn't have any matches. The Ancestry DNA database size at the time was 2 million and they only compare your DNA with those they have already tested. As of now I believe their database is now at 3 million records.

  • Kristi

Is Ancestry DNA worth doing? I hear it takes about 8 weeks to get your results. Does it help me find other unknown family members who are listed in Ancestry or does it just tell me what my ethnicity results are in my background and where most likely my ancestors are from.

I am adopted and don't know my birth parents. I love my adopted family but I was an only child and I have always wondered if I have any biological brothers or sisters. Could AncestryDNA help me find out if I do?

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