Reply: Beachbody On Demand or Daily Burn

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Topic History of: Beachbody On Demand or Daily Burn

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  • Anonymous

So what is better Beachbody On Demand or Daily Burn streaming video services?

On one hand I have used many Beachbody DVDs and already own a stack of them. I am familiar with a number of their trainers and I know who I like. Beachbody has also been around for years and know the fitness industry inside and out.

I don't know any of the Daily Burn trainers. Not that this is all bad as it means I should have a lot of content to explore, plus I am sure they are qualified. I also like the fact Daily Burn has a daily live show that I can stream, this means new content consistently that is geared towards my fitness level.

Not sure what to do. Has anyone tried both and have any opinions they want to share?

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