Reply: Has anyone else used Dailyburn and the free trial?

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Topic History of: Has anyone else used Dailyburn and the free trial?

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  • Once

I have used it and had no problems. Daily Burn has been really good for me keeping fit even with my bad knee. Well worth it in my opinion. :cheer:

  • Wreck

I just started using Daily Burn about a month ago as well. A great variety of workouts and I really like the trainers during the live 365 class... very motivating.

I can't get to the gym because I have a baby at home so this is an ideal solution which allows me to have exercise classes at home when the baby goes down for a nap.

  • Muzak
  • Muzak's Avatar

Anonymous wrote: I just signed up to the Dailyburn 30 day free trial. Are their any other people who have used this and how has it gone?

I did about 8 months ago. I liked it enough at the time that I continued on the Daily Burn subscription.

I currrently work out about 4 times a week and have reached my target weight just a month ago. It feels really great. At the moment I'm doing the inferno program, it certainly makes you sweat.

Daily Burn as a whole its great. The fitness programs they have are diverse and if you choose one you can always switch. Plus the program keeps track of the calories you burn.

The only real disadvantage is you need to go out and buy a few supplies for some of the programs like a box, mat, and some free weights.

  • Anonymous

I just signed up to the Dailyburn 30 day free trial. Are their any other people who have used this and how has it gone?

It is just starting to get cold out so my running days are numbered outside. I don't want to pay for a gym so I thought Dailyburn and their streaming fitness videos would be a good compromise.

I am just looking for other peoples thoughts and opinions.


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