Reply: BIlling issues with Weight Watchers

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Topic History of: BIlling issues with Weight Watchers

Max. showing the last 6 posts - (Last post first)

  • Sadie

I just cancelled because the program no longer works. I lost weight years ago on the points program before the change now I lost and gained the same three pounds over and over the course of weeks. Their so called experts could not tell me why even though I stayed within my points and exercised six days a week. The app is awful and they can’t answer questions about it and there isn’t an easy way to find recent it. When I cancelled I still had to pay for the remainder of the program. It’s a ripoff!!

  • Patricia

You will be charged if you cancel early. It’s ridiculous. If their app wasn’t SO BAD I may have stuck it out. The Lose It app is MUCH better.

  • Sue

I was a member of Weight Watchers for over a year and when I canceled I didn't have any problems. When you cancel you are not billed for the next month and you just finished out the current month term.

The reason I ended up cancelling is I had lost the weight I wanted a few months earlier and I found I was in the habit of eating properly. I wasn't using the Weight Watchers app anymore as a point guide and tracker since I know now what I can and cannot eat to maintain my current weight.

  • Mrs Jane

I haven't signed up to Weight Watchers yet but of the few reviews I see on other sites I notice a lot complaints about how Weight Watchers deals with billing and auto-renewals.

I've had experience with my credit card being billed after I canceled my account with an online dating site and I don't want the same thing to happen with me here with Weight Watchers.

I really want to try Weight Watchers as I heard the points program is excellent. Is there anyway to be sure that I will not be billed after I canceled like using a prepaid credit card or something?

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