Reply: JustFab Customer Complaints!

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Topic History of: JustFab Customer Complaints!

Max. showing the last 6 posts - (Last post first)

  • Juice

How could you not see that you became a VIP member. They state it pretty clearly when you signup. It is really difficult to miss.

You can opt out of being a VIP but then you wouldn't get the cheaper clothing prices. That's their hook. You just have to figure out if it is worth it.

I did it for a few months and that was enough for me as I had gotten the workout clothes I wanted. I don't have any complaints.

  • Miss Awesome

I never agreed to become a JustFab VIP member. I bought a $15 shirt and found out I had was enrolled and have been paying a $55 monthly fee. A VIP membership should be an opt-in option, not an opt out option. When I bought the shirt I didn't realize the box was checked for the VIP membership.

This should be much clearer on the checkout screen. Not happy. They better cancel my subscription right away and give me back the money.

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