Reply: Refund for forgetting to skip a month on Fabletics

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Topic History of: Refund for forgetting to skip a month on Fabletics

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  • JBG99

I spent a few minutes on chat today with a customer service advisor and have managed to have a full amount of member credits refunded to me with a follow up email to confirm it as well. 
So it shows they don't have a policy against it but they'll try and deter you/fob you off with a refund of your most recent months credit. 
Just be persistent and you should be able to sort it all. 

  • Kt

Yes, I did this too. But, I messaged them instead. They said they couldn’t refund my payment I said I don’t think you understand I am telling you to refund me not asking, telling. They gave in!!

  • Mari Scur

Hi, Just to say I have fallen in the same .... I called up and got refund and asked the account to be closed
The confirmed refund and account closer although they mentioned to check account in case of renewal (/1) - anyway I emaiiled them immediately confirming and cc paypal. thank you for encouraging. hope this helps.

  • Ginny G

It happened to me just now!! - they charged my account even though i didn't consent!! I only found out when checking my bank. I have never bought the membership before. I am furious. I will get this money back if its the last thing i do.

  • Lee

People forget sometimes. Or maybe they fell on hard times. Let people ask for their money back. Companies that don’t give refunds are a scam.

  • greenteapot

I just called and spoke to a really helpful girl. She was adamant they only give one credit back. I asked for all of it. She agreed to 2. I said it would be great if she could give me all 4 back since i won't be spending it. She said it's impossible but I'll ask. She asked and came back to say they'd refund me. the whole thing took about 5 mins if that.
Both of us were polite throughout the conversation and she was perfectly pleasant. So keep pushing but be nice - you'll get the whole thing done much quicker! ;)

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