I am retired and am on a fix income now. My grand kids who stay with me during the week are in high school now and they are always printing stuff off for homework. Before I use to try to get them to ration their printing by printing at school. This was before when I use to buy my ink at Bestbuy. Since then I discovered how much cheaper 4inkjets was and I have never looked back.
I almost get 2 for the price of 1 when compared to Bestbuy. I never have had trouble with any of their cartridges either.
This is the 4th time I have bought from 4inkjets. The service has been really good. It is easy to find the cartridges you need for your printer and it just takes a few clicks to order what you want. I never had a problem with them when I have ordered.
Definitely recommend the secondhand cartridges as they are much cheaper than buying brand new and come with the same warranty. Never had a problem with them and will continue to use 4inkjets.
I have used printer inkjet cartridges from this company. It gave us improved quality as well number of pages. We therefore would like to recommendthem.
I got pissed off of the vendors on Amazon always selling me crap for my Brother laser printer. I decided to try 4 Ink Jets early last year and I have had 1 problem in the 4 times I have ordered from them.
it takes me like 5 minutes to place my order. It is always the same 3 black toner cartridges for my Brother printer which gets a lot of use at my store. I order the refurbished ones and have never had an issue and shipping takes only about 4 days. Prices are not as cheap as Amazon but then I had huge issues with ordering from them and the prices are much cheaper than buying new cartridges at Office Depot.
Quality toner cartridges. Never screwed up my order.