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Going on a diet is easy. Staying on a diet is hard.

A diet program is not for the feint of heart or the easily discouraged. It requires commitment, perseverance, enthusiasm, and a level of willpower that can seem almost supernatural at times. And above all, a diet requires a strong foundation.

“A strong foundation” for a diet is not bricks or concrete – it’s the dedication that comes from motivation, excitement, and resolution. If your head’s not totally in the game, it’s unlikely that you’ll reach your dieting goals. But if you’ve laid the mental groundwork for weight loss success, the dieting world is your oyster (which is great, because oysters are healthy in all kinds of ways).

 To determine if you’re ready to take on a diet program, ask yourself these questions:

The only thing standing in the way of your dieting goals is you. Lay the mental groundwork for weight loss success, and half the battle is already won.

If you are interested in a popular diet program you can check out our review of Medifast.