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Price jump for Daily Burn subscriptions.

We just noticed that the price of the Daily Burn subscription has jumped. The price last checked in November, 2015 was $12.95 for the Daily Burn Basic subscription and $24.99 for the Daily Burn Premium subscription.

The price has jumped $2 for both so you can expect to pay $14.95 for the Basic package and $26.99 for the Premium. We are not sure if this affects new subscribers only or if existing subscribers will see the price jump as well. Daily Burn continues to be a great deal especially with their large catalog of videos from such experts as Bob Harper. The Daily Burn 365 (DB365) videos also add a lot of value since their is a new one everyday for viewers to workout too.

Netflix also had a price jump this past year of $1. It seems the streaming video services costs are rising as they offer more great content for us to consume.

To find out more about this fitness video service you can read our Daily Burn review.