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Fitness Apps to Use

If you’re trying to improve your health and lifestyle, you’re not alone. More people than ever are starting new workout regimens to help them lose weight, tone, de-stress, or fight health problems. And because it’s 2016, there’s an app to help you do it.

The great thing about using apps to help you create a healthier lifestyle is that they are so personalized. There’s no need to go to a gym or join a program to track your food intake and calories – an app can do it for you. And if you’re interested in group support, you can also link up with other app users online.

What this ultimately means is that you can work out at any time and place, and customize your workout routine to fit your own personal agenda. It’s easier now than ever to create a healthy lifestyle that works for you.

Here are five fitness apps to try, so you can achieve your goals this year.


You can be competitive or not with this app, because you can connect with other Strava users to compare times, distances, and intensities of workouts. I use it to help me track my own workouts – the pace I’m running, how many miles I’ve completed, and my progress over time. Great for training for a marathon, triathlon, or trail run.

UP by Jawbone or FitBit

These apps are great not only for those who like to work out in a variety of ways, but also for those who want to do something simple to help improve health or lose weight: count steps. Your UP and FitBit apps not only track your steps over time, they let you know when you are maintaining a healthy streak and offer tips to keep you motivated. (Note: you can also track your sleep cycles and diet through these apps, so they can be a great way to start and maintain a healthier lifestyle.)

My Fitness Pal

This is another great app that is aimed at helping you transform your lifestyle, by tracking both diet and calories burned. You can enter specific foods you consume each day (including brands and portions, or you can enter your own ingredients if it’s not available on their pre-made list of choices), and you can track your weight goal progress over time. This app also tracks your exercise routines so you can see the number of calories you’re burning, and it can link up with other apps like FitBit.

Runtastic Pro

Runtastic Pro lets you measure and track your runs, walks, and other exercises, but it also doubles as a coaching app so you can use it effectively to train for races and to get some motivation, too. The app is free but for the one-time fee of $4.99, the Pro version offers features that are central to the experience, such as coaching, voice feedback, and music player integration.


If you’re not into running but you love working out, then you might want to use an app specifically to help you track your variety of workouts, including cycling. Cyclemeter, available only for iPhone, contains several well-thought-out features, and appeals to fitness enthusiasts who participate in more than one sport. Despite the name, you can use Cyclemeter to track runs, walks, and other activities, as well as aerobic intensity during the workout.